Saturday, February 18, 2017

Last Saturday report

Today was a big day for Goldie.  After 8 hours, we have almost finished building it.

1.  The intake system works wonders.  We need to finish the roof to allow the balls fall in the box.  We also need to lower an inch or so the front wall, so balls cannot come out between the intake system and the bottom of the wall.

2.  The output system works very well also.  We only need to funnel the balls a little better.  Idea: Add a side triangular wall once side of the motor.

3.  The floor system works correctly, but the cord can get stuck on the gears.  We figure out we would add a couple of bolts to keep the cord close to the center of the shaft.  We want to add also a couple of sensors at the top and the bottom to detect the position of the floor.

4.  The climbing system worked better than expected.  One issue is that when the the system is disable, Goldie will fall to the floor one and a half feet... We need to find a solution to keep it at the top of the rope.

5.  The programming part did a huge leap today.  We have done most of the commands and we tested them all.  We are ready to create the interface and the control system.

After all these extra work to do, we won't go to the scrimmage tomorrow.  We still have some building to do.  We will meet Monday at 10AM and finish Goldie.

Enjoy your Sunday and cyall on Monday!!

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