Saturday, April 29, 2017

Final Day of Worlds

Today is our last day in St. Louis! Alliance selections will be at 8 AM. The team is making some final adjustments on Goldie to ensure her readiness for competition if we are chosen for an alliance. The top 8 teams will choose their alliance members out of the 68 teams in Daly. We are seeded 41 out of the 68. Wish us luck in our final day of Worlds. None of us want this journey to end. Check the blog and social media to find out if Goldie's time at Worlds continues. 

By: Andrea Finn

Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 3 of Worlds!

Today, although we are just a few hours in, has been an exciting and eventful day! We have won our first two matches of the day. In the first match we defeated the blue alliance by a score of 401-174. The second was a nail-biter; we won 345-335. Also, Goldie has continued to successfully climb the rope and deliver gears to the airship efficiently! There have been issues with autonomous mode today, but Logan has been working out the kinks and perfecting Goldie's auton mode by testing on the practice field. We continue to learn from our mistakes and better Goldie and ourselves as a team. Thank you for your continued support. Without your support we wouldn't be having so many successes at the championship. 

By: Andrea Finn

Thursday, April 27, 2017

End of Day 2 of Competition

As the second day of competition comes to a close, Golden Bots finish 1-3 losing all but our first match. However, we are currently in the top 10 of teams who have scored the most points. Goldie has successfully been climbing the rope the entire day in every match, which is something we were not able to achieve in Chicago. Logan has been working on testing and programming the robot with the drivers to ensure that in autonomous mode Goldie will be able to deliver a gear on the left and right sides of the airship, which previously has only been able to be done on the middle of the airship. Today has been a day full of trial and error, but lots of progress has been made. The qualification matches continue tomorrow, with the first one at 8:16 AM.

By: Andrea Finn

Support Team Cheers on Goldie

Team 6651 spends time cheering on the drive team during matches. Currently Golden Bots are 1-2 with one match left for today. 

By: Andrea Finn

Qualifying Matches Schedule and Link

The schedule for the qualifying matches is as follows:

Match 3 - 8:46AM - Blue 
Match 22 - 1:16 PM - Red
Match 27 - 1:56 PM - Red
Match 36 - 3:08 PM - Blue

Match 53 - 8:16 AM - Red
Match 58 - 8:56 AM - Blue
Match 74 - 11:04 AM - Blue
Match 82 - 2:10 PM - Blue
Match 93 - 3:38 PM - Red
Match 108 - 5:38 PM - Red

You can watch the livestream at:
Some matches may be ahead of schedule, so stay tuned for updates on twitter @SHSRobticsClub on where the team is at. Thanks for your support of team 6651!

By: Andrea Finn

Day 2 of Worlds

Good morning, everyone! Today Golden Bots will begin the qualifying rounds. The team has made great advancements on the rope climbing, which was successfully attempted yesterday. Continue to check in for updates on how the team competes later today.

By: Andrea Finn

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Golden Bots Have Arrived!

The team has arrived in St. Louis to the America Center for the first day of the competition! Stay tuned for more info on team 6651. 

By: Andrea Finn

And We're Off!

Golden Bots are ready for takeoff to St. Louis for the World Championship this morning! 

By: Andrea Finn

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Final Preparations for St. Louis!

Hey, Golden Warriors! We are approaching our final days before the World Championship and still have lots of preparations to be made. 

Last week, the team cut and spray painted wood for use as a battery container. Also, we built and painted a tool box cart to use at the competition this week. 

Today, the drive team is getting some practice driving time in on a practice robot from the team in Freeport, IL thanks to our mentor, Mr. Wu. We also are organizing all of our supplies and determining what we will need to take to St. Louis. 

Time is quickly winding down until Worlds! We will be meeting once more on Tuesday to pack up for the competition and load all of our supplies in the vehicles so that on Wednesday we can depart for St. Louis. Thanks for your continued support of the team! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and stay tuned for more news on Goldie this week. 

By: Andrea Finn

Monday, April 10, 2017

Midwest Regional - 2017

Hey everyone! Golden Bots had a stressful, yet exciting weekend in Chicago two weeks ago. The team geared up for the competition and felt ready for our first ever FIRST Robotics competition, or so we thought. The team arrived for check-in at the University of Illinois at Chicago early Thursday morning. Ready to practice on the field, we soon learned that a new rule had been implemented this year: the bumpers were now included in the size restraints. Our team began to think of ways to minimize the size of our robot. However, as a rookie team we struggled to think of effective ways to make our robot the correct size for competition. Realizing we needed help, other teams quickly gathered around our pit jumping in to help us. Without the other teams' help we would not have been able to fix our robot in the time we had. We are grateful for those who assisted us, such as teams 16 and 1939. 

After Goldie finally met the size requirements, we began to practice. We quickly learned our gear holder did not work as effectively as we had hoped, due to Goldie's size being changed, so we began to make adjustments to it. During a practice match, our gear holder then completely broke off of our robot, which set us back to square one. Again with the help of others, we succeeded in rebuilding Goldie. We began to practice again, but we had problems climbing the rope. Each tweak seemed to get us closer to completely climbing, but we knew we weren't earning enough points for our alliances, so we attempted a defensive strategy to block the other alliance from scoring. Drew's driving was successful as a defensive robot, until Goldie stopped working after taking a hit. Each practice match after that, proved to us that our robot had some kind of electrical problem. The builders quickly figured out which cables were coming loose when the robot took a hard hit and they got to work fixing it. 

Although Goldie never successfully climbed the rope, the team never gave up. We finished 44th out of 53 teams and unfortunately on the last day of competition none of the other teams asked us to join their alliance. This officially meant we were done competing for the remainder of the Regional competition. Despite not advancing, our team continued to work on the robot. Even if we were done, we knew we could better ourselves by learning more about the robot if we continued to work. Throughout all of our trials of adversity, judges came to our pit to interview the team and although we struggled, we always had smiles on our faces. All of our challenges at the competition taught us to persevere and stay determined no matter what. The amazing judges noticed all our hard work and determination, which earned us the All-Star Rookie Award! This means that team 6651 - Golden Bots is headed to St. Louis for the World Championship! We thank all of our mentors, teams 16 and 1939, the inspectors, the judges, and everyone else at FRC for giving us the opportunity to compete at the World Championships. Also, a huge thank you to all of our sponsors for making Sterling Robotics a reality. We couldn't have done it without your support! Catch Goldie in action April 26-29. See you in St. Louis!

by Andrea Finn.