Friday, January 20, 2017

Great news and weekend update

We tackled a lot of non-technological goals this week.

Thursday, the Outreach group and the captains presented to the Sterling Schools Foundation to ask for their sponsorship.  The presentation went very well, and we are glad to announce that the Foundation will match any donation to the group up to $10,000! 

That same afternoon, two more companies pledged to donate for the team this season.  Arthur's Garden Deli pledged $5000 and Greater Sterling Development Corporation pledged $2000.  I just want to congratulate the Outreach group and the captains for an awesome job!!  Keep it rolling!!

Weekend Update

We are all meeting tomorrow at 10am.  Here are all the projects we want to work on...

1.  Programmers.
They will be setting up the skeleton of the website first.
Then they will be working on C++ and learning how to program all different modules of the RoboRio and the options of the Joystick (PWM, DIO and if possible, sensors)

2.  Builders.
We have 3 main projects in mind.  We want to make a couple of prototypes for the ball sweeper (brusher and roller).  We also want to do a prototype for the the gear catcher (without a door).  Finally, we want to do the prototype for the ball dropper.

We will meet at 10am first to talk about all the parts we need to buy.  Then we will do a field trip to the stores to buy what we need.  

Please, be on time!!  Cyal tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Week 2 - Prototyping

We finally finished with the drivetrain and it is moving!
During the first week, we were able to connect the RoboRio (Microcontroller) with the communication system and the four motors.  We installed all the software on the laptop and controlled successfully the robot.

Meanwhile, another group built the tank.  

Goldie is alive!  We still need to fix some little problems with our joystick.  It goes the wrong direction... Details!

We will add a video later today.

This week, we will be prototyping...  We already have a couple of great ideas.

- Everyday from 3 to 5pm
- Wednesday from 5:30 to 6:30pm
- Saturday starting at 10am

Come and enjoy!!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Yesterday was the kick off for the FIRST Robotics Competition.
You can watch the video of the competition here
You can find the rules of the game here.
There is even more information and videos here.

Mr. Rivera will be working on Drivetrain this week from 3 to 5pm.
We will meet all together on Wednesday at 5:30pm to brainstorm again.  Bring your ideas. Build a prototype or model if possible, using connects or legos.